
() 50 Centavos Japanese Invasion Money

(1942) 50 Centavos Specimen Japanese Invasion Money (1942) 50 Centavos Orange Brown Japanese Invasion Money (1942) 50 Centavos Allied Counterfeit Japanese Invasion Money

() First Issue

NP ID Variety Serial Numbers
B28.1 Regular Issue PA - PI
B28.2 Mihon (Specimen) PI
B28.3 Allied Counterfeit PA, PB, PE, PF, PG, PH, PI
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Regular Issue

(1942) 50 Centavos Orange-Brown Japanese Invasion Money

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Mihon (Specimen)

(1942) 50 Centavos Specimen Japanese Invasion Money

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Allied Counterfeit

(1942) 50 Centavos Allied Counterfeit Japanese Invasion Money


Series Japanese Invasion Money
Type Circulating Legal Tender
Denomination 50 Centavos
Year ND
Orientation Horizontal
Flip Short Edge
Printer see note
Dimension 120.44 mm × 57.36 mm
Thickness ≤0.11 mm
Weight ≤ 1 gm
Print Brown
Process Printing
Ink Pigment
Last Printing
Total Notes
Total Value
Issuing Authority Japanese Military Authority
Kind Banknote
Currently Used


"The Japanese Government" "Fifty Centavos" "Japanese Characters (Japanese Imperial Government)"



Note 1

Initially issued by the Yokohama Specie Bank and later the Southern Development Bank. For the Philippines the primary issuer of this currency seems to have been the Bank of Taiwan. Serial number begins with "P" representing the Philippines.

Note 2

A total of 1,000,000 notes were counterfieted by the Allied forces in two-shipment of 500,000 notes. The Allied Counterfeit has known to have the block letter PA, PB, PE, PF, PG, PH and PI.


It is stated in other catalogs that there is a white paper to light brown paper to orange-brown paper variety of this banknote, but many numismatists, other catalogs (which started to list it as only one variety), and modern researchers consider that the color variation is only part of an age-related process or deterioration, and it is currently recognized as such in this catalog.


(1942) 50 Centavos Allied Counterfeit Diagnostics Japanese Invasion Money