Bond Paper - Pesos Facing In
Bais Paper - Pesos Facing In
NP ID : EN 1141
Category : Negros Occidental
Sub Category : 1942 Second Issue
Denomination : 10 Pesos
Year : 1942
Signature : Nicolas Encarnacion as Provincial Treasurer
Francisco Arellano as Provincial Fiscal
Ceferino Ramos as Acting Provincial Auditor
Variety :
Paper Type : Bond and Bais
Dimension : 159.53 × 68.45 mm
Weight :
Thickness :
Printer : Nalco Press
Total Printed : 120,750
Serial Numbers : 1 - 120750
Main Color :
Designer :
Security Features :
Obverse : Portrait of Manuel L. Quezon "Emergency Circulating Note of 1942" "Issued by Authority of the President of the Philippines on January 20, 1942" "The Commonwealth of the Philippines will pay to the bearer on demand Ten Pesos in lawful currency of the Philippines" "Negros Occidental Provincial Currency Committee" "Series of 1942" "City of Bacolod" "Jan. 26, 1942"
Reverse : "Ten Pesos" Commonwealth of the Philippines"
Packaging :
Issue Price :
Note : Commonwealth Seal has a different colors from Red to Light Red-Orange. Four Major Varieties exists,
Serial Number 1 - (approximate) 58,000 is printed on Bond Paper with "Pesos" at the left and right at the reverse is facing in and out
Serial Number (approximate) 60001 - 120000 is printed on Bais Paper with "Pesos" at the left and right at the reverse is facing in and out
Remarks :
Date Issued : January 26, 1942
Requested By :